Geuni 2021. 11. 8. 09:04

수동태는 주어가 목적어에게 어던 동작을 받는(당하는) 형식을 말합니다.

3형식 수동태

[능동태] The architect designed this house. (그 건축가가 이 집을 설계했다.)
[수동태] The house is designed by the architect. (이 집은 그 건축가에게 설계되었다.)

[능동태] He brings up two daughters. (그는 딸 둘을 키운다.)
[수동태] Two doughters are brought up by him. (두 딸은 그에게 양육되고 있다.)

[능동태] Someone stole my ring. (누군가 내 반지를 훔쳤다.)
[수동태] My ring was stolen (by someone). (내 반지는 누군가에의해 훔쳐졌다.)

4형식 수동태

[능동태] Jake teaches them archaeology. (제이크는 그들에게 고고학을 가르친다.)
[IO가 주어인 수동태] They are taught archaeology by jake. 
[DO가 주어인 수동태] Archaeology are taught to them by jake. 

[능동태] My mom bought me a bike. (엄마는 내게 자전거를 사주셨다.)
[IO가 주어인 수동태] (X) 의미가 어색해짐
[DO가 주어인 수동태] A bike was bought for me (by my mom). 

[능동태] Sarah asked him a question. (사라는 그에게 질문을 했다.)
[IO가 주어인 수동태] He was asked a question by Sarah.
[DO가 주어인 수동태] A question was asked of him by Sarah.

5형식 수동태

[능동태] He left me alone in the square. (그는 나를 혼자 광장에 두었다.)
[수동태] I was left alone in the square by him.

[능동태] People consider her an expert on agriculture. (사람들은 그녀를 농업 전문가로 여긴다.)
She is considered an expert on agriculture (by people). 

 The instructor kept us running. (그 교관은 우리를 계속 달리게 했다.)
[수동태] We were kept running by the instructor.

[능동태] The burglar pushed him to open the safe. (그 도둑은 그에게 금고를 열도록 강요했다.)
[수동태] He was pushed to open the safe by the burglar.

* (준)사역동사의 수동태는 보어(c)가 올 때 반드시 to V, V ing 형태여야 한다.

[능동태] He made me choose the bag. (그는 내게 그 가방을 고르게 만들었다.)
[수동태] I was made to choose the bag by him.

[능동태] She helped us cure the animal. (그녀는 우리가 그 동물을 치료하는 것에 도움을 줬다.)
[수동태] We were helped to cure the animal (by her).

그 밖의 수동태


[능동태] They can eliminate the nuclear weapons at any time. (그들은 그 핵무기들을 언제든지 제거할 수 있다.)
[수동태] The nuclear weapons can be eliminated at any time (by them).


[능동태] The tornado is blowing away lots of houses. (토네이도가 많은 집들을 날려버리고 있는 중이다.)
[수동태] Lots of houses are being blown away by the tornado.


[능동태] The voters didn't choose the candidate. (유권자들은 그 후보를 선택하지 않았다.)
[수동태] The candidate wasn't chosen by the voters.


[능동태] Some boys have scratched the car. (몇 명의 소년들이 그 차를 긁어놨다.)
[수동태] The car has been scratched by some boys.


* V ing (-> being p.p)
1. He went to the wedding without being invited. (그는 초대받지 않은 채 결혼식에 갔다.)
2.  I don't like being ordered around by anyone. (나는 누구에게도 명령받는 걸 좋아하지 않는다.)

* to V (-> to be p.p)
1. All of these clothes are to be cleaned. (모든 옷들이 세탁되어야 한다.)
2. There is a problem to be solved. (해결되어야 할 문제가 있다.)